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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

For the World to See & a Few Updates...

My first post as a guest blogger is up! I cannot believe a real dream of mine is coming true. I have been wanting to share my story of fertility struggles and victory for quite sometime now, and now the process has really begun! Before you click the link above to read my first written post - know in advance there are a couple of typos I did not catch, I promise I read over it 3 times before I submitted it - but I guess it happens. As I read the post this morning I also realized I used some bad grammar (I know I should know better since my step-mom is an English teacher...) I will try better next time to catch those "uh ohs".
I will let you know each time I have a post on, but consider following this blog yourself. Christen and Raleigh Price have a wonderful story of their own about and victory. Their hearts are to share the love of Jesus Christ with the world through their website and I think they do an amazing job!

I did something very brave this week, I signed up for a 5 week fitness camp! It started on Monday night - and boy was I shocked to find out just how out of shape I am! Sometimes my mind still thinks I'm back in my college cheerleading days or even in my high school cheerleading days, where I was exercising daily and very much in shape. But this week my body has let my mind know that I am not in shape at all! Monday was apparently "leg" night - and boy do my legs know they worked out! Tonight is the second night of the camp, and I am excited and yet nervous for the workout to come. I am anticipating it being an arms and upper body workout, which scares me so badly! I will be the first to admit my fear of "the push-up"! I hope I can survive tonight's workout and still want to return next Monday night! This is a really big deal, because I always start something like a workout routine, and then never follow through and finish. I also hate rooms full of people I do not know. Thankfully I do know a few of the other students in the class - so that is helpful. I can say I laughed more on Monday night while I was working out than I ever imagined was possible. The trainer is nothing like those "Biggest Loser" trainers that yell and scream fear into your workout. In fact he is quite the opposite! He teased a lot, and made the experience fun - which is good, because the first time I get yelled at will be the last time I go back - hahaha!
The most interesting part will be the outcome. He recorded my body fat, weight, and measurements on the first night, and I hope to see some positive results on the last night!  Either way - I know that I am doing something good for my body. We have taken a healthier approach to our food and eating recently, which will be good for my attempt at fitness camp!
Speaking of food, you have got to check out this blog, My friend Chloe is conducting a fast food experiment that will make you want to never eat fast food again! The thought of her ongoing experiment has kept me from driving through McDonald's even when I was desperate for food with no time for anything else. She has had a McDonald's Happy Meal sitting on her counter for over 50 days and it has yet to decompose. In fact - it still looks just as edible as the day she purchased it! Can you believe it is legal to make, sell, and feed people food packed with so many preservatives? No wonder America is "fat"!

Anyway - that was my soapbox for the day!

AK Update:
Last night Matt was showing AK pictures in an attempt to teach her new words. As he pointed out the boat in the picture, he asked her "What's this?". My sweet girl replied, "Jesus". LOL We have been learning about Jesus from the book "Jesus Loves Me"

My Mom bought this book for AK's 1st birthday, and we read it at least 6 times a day if not more. Did you know there are like 6 verses to the song "Jesus Loves Me"? Well, there are 6 verses, and we almost know them all by heart now! AK loves the illustrations in this particular book. It is filled with colorful images of children and animals. If you remember from before, my smart baby can point out a dog - and in this book there is the same dog on almost every page in almost every illustration. But now we know who Jesus is, and she can even say His name. What a precious sound to hear your 1 year old child call on the name of our Lord!
Speaking of sweet AK, we are home today recovering from a cold and minor double ear infection (again!). She had a rough day at school yesterday, so we are home recovering and resting. Pray she gets better quickly. We cannot avoid things like getting cold germs, especially during this time of the year, and with little ones there isn't much you can do but just ride out the symptoms until they go away. She really is OK, no need to fear grandparents, but those sniffles and coughs can just make you feel so sad for such a little person. Pray she recovers quickly and gets all the rest she needs.
She finally slept through the entire night last night - this is the first time since the wedding weekend almost 2 weeks ago!
I'm going to do a separate post soon on the adventures of gardening with AK - it was a fun time for all!
Until then, Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff, April! Guest blogging=inspiring. Workout=Awesome. McDonalds=Scary. AK & Jesus=Precious. AK sick=not cool at all.
    Looking forward to that future post. Love that little video of AK spreading mulch. Love you!
